Well, this is my first blogg! And as you will soon see, if you choose to read my posts, I'm not a native english speaker. So Be prepared to read through some faults and excuse my english!
So, why to start? Well, I've been having quite an unstable life over the past few years, and now I finally get to settle down and work with myself! It's my chance to explore who I am, to develop my self, to become a better person and of course to learn a hole bunch of stuff.
I'm still quite young, out of the teens, but now much further. Also, I'm a student. And I could say, that today might be the first day in my new life! Today I can forget who i used to be, and start over as the paralytic poison. I'm startin some readings, soem challenges, i'm out to explore myself and find out who and what I am.
I'm sure the journey won't be very adventurus for a reader, but maybe some people would find my conclusions intresting. Sharing is the first rule of the internet, for me, so i decided to share my adventure, with whoever wants to get involved in any way!
Make some coffee, or pop a beer and go on!
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