Σάββατο 6 Ιουλίου 2013

Details on the Resume work

As I said on my last post, I'll say more about the day 6 of "30 days to a better man" quest.
Todays task, "Update your Resume".

I personaly don't see what is manly about having a good, updated resume. Of course it's very good to have, but that goes for every human working or willing to work.And adding to that, from my bried experience in jobs, though I have to agree with what Brett says, that goes for jobs in offices, in big corporations etc. When the guestion goes to jobs within agriculture, construction etc, it's surely not that crusial and maybe not even needed at all. Maybe I got a different experince, I've never lived in a big city or searched for jobs that actually require something more than being a young male. So, I might be wrong there.
But still, being prepered is the only thing manly about the updated resume task, and I suppose brett could come up with something better, more usefull and more manly. There is either something i've missed here, or a strong disagreement between me and Brett.
But, the comitment is a comitment! And as I just mentioned, being prepered is manly! I don't believe I'm going to need a resume for quite some time, but i can still take a second look on mine. Nothing there to update, and I believe I've used good language, but I did change the templet into somehting better looking. But still, it's a lousy resume... Just for the stuff that is on there, which will need time to become better...

I'm actually going to add a task by myself. I don't fell like I actually did any work today. So as of today, I decided to always have a pocket notebook with me, since i've seen many articles on Art of Manliness about it, and it does hit my fancy! So I grabbed one and I'm gonna start using it! I hope that by the end of a month it will have grown to be a habbit and I will have found many creative ways to use it!
First thing to do, is write down some stuff i have to do tomorow. 

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